Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update #4

Another update about to go up on SC =)

Monday, May 17, 2010

In Case You Missed It . .

It's Official!  Notice the misspelling of my name.. yea, not too happy about that, but I guess it's too late.  Maybe I should rename the blog becomingsammy?  Also, not real happy with them not using the pictures I sent  them for my site design, but luckily I have changes coming very soon for that!  So, to sum it up.. Southern Charms is lacking on the communication aspect, but dangit.. It's UP!  My site is UP!    Take a look, laugh at how amateur the site looks right now, honestly I think it's fugly, but know that it is going to get much better very, very soon!  I also have lots more picture updates ready to go!!  Keep an eye out for those.

~sammie or sammy?  hmm

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The News!

I can' wait anymore to tell you all, and now that everything is finalized and it's just a waiting game at  this point I think it's safe to spill the beans....................

I am going to be a Southern Charms girl! I just finished uploading all three of my initial photo updates and cannot wait for you all to see!  I am hoping that my page will be up and ready to go in the next few weeks, but it could be longer.  I am such an impatient person that the wait may kill me!  My name on SC is Sammie Sinclair.  Unfortunately Sammie was already taken so I had be creative, and it wasn't easy lol

I've had a few people that know about this already ask me why I am doing this.  I will be honest with everyone here.  First and foremost it's money.  I'd be lying if I said anything else.  Times are tough, my hours at work are going to be cut in half, so I figured this would be a fun and interesting way to help make up for some of it!  Notice I said fun, that is my second reason for doing it.  I have FUN in front of the camera.  I like challenging myself, trying new things in front of it, and well yea.. I like showing off. I also have fun playing with the pictures (not in that way you perv!) I like photo editing and seeing what I can do with the pictures to make them more artsy or creative or whatever I feel like doing (most of my "creations" I keep private, I'm not that good yet lol). As soon as it isn't fun anymore I'm done.  It wouldn't be worth whatever money I may make if it becomes a job, a task, and not something I enjoy.

I want to see how this goes, I know I am not going to make tons of money, and I know not everyone may like my decision, but at this point in my life I feel like I have the confidence and am happy with myself (for the first time in a very long time) and I want to give this a shot!  I am nervous about a couple of things but I have weighed the pros and cons for months now and feel confident in my choice :)

So, anyways keep your eyes open for my announcement letting everyone know that my page is up!  I will be sure to let ya know here, and on CP.  Feel free to let me know what you think about all of this.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Exciting Things Ahead

I am going to be venturing into some exciting things in the very near future.  When everything is confirmed, I will make sure to let all of you know!  I think you will be very surprised ;)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ideas Please!

I am really out of picture ideas.  If anyone has any requests, or ideas that would be awesome!  Let me know here or on CP :)  

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Busted . . . Almost

I had some quiet time earlier this evening, so I took advantage of it!  I got out my favorite toy (see pic from previous post) and thought the one kid that was home was sound asleep.  You can imagine my surprise when said kid comes bursting through the door asking what that noise was?!?  Thankfully I was smart enough to have a blanket covering me.  Without a moment to compose myself, or think of a reasonable answer, I told him it was a lint remover and I was taking lint off of my sweater.  Where that came from I have noooo idea.  Anyways, luckily he is too young to realize it made no sense and off he went back to bed happy with my answer.  Phew.  As for me.. I will have to finish some other time, when NO one is home!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Little Surprise...

I'm feeling a little daring and figure I would surprise you all with a picture. One that I haven't posted anywhere else. Consider it a "thank you" for reading my rambles :)  You can almost hear the "bzzzzz" can't ya? lol